Let’s Talk Carmel is a repository of commonly asked questions and answers pertaining to the City of Carmel and the actions taken by this governing body. It is owned and operated by the Carmel City Council, and is not intended to be a platform for addressing political opinions.
Carmel is a highly educated community comprised of residents who ask many good questions about why we do the things we do. City Council members are often asked the same questions repeatedly as new residents move into the City, or as current residents ask questions spurred by a new ordinance, a media story or some other event.
Let’s Talk Carmel, in particular, the answers to the constantly changing set of questions, have been individually reviewed and approved by each of the seven members of the Carmel City Council. We hope you find this website a helpful supplement to the basic information that can be found on the official City of Carmel website.
*Participation by individual City Councilors on this site is optional.
council members

Ryan Locke
Northwest District