BACK Can HOAs and other neighborhood groups paint their own crosswalks without city approval? It is understandable that HOA’s and other residential dwellers across the city would like to have painted crosswalks on their streets, but it would be unlawful to paint...
BACK Is there a roundabout planned for the dangerous 4-way stop at Smoky Row and Ironwood Drive? The Carmel Engineering Department is currently evaluating different options for this intersection. A roundabout is an option for this intersection that would remove the...
BACK Who owns the former plant nursery east of Ascension St. Vincent Carmel Hospital? And why can’t they clean up the property? The parcel is owned by Ascension (St. Vincent) and the Department of Community Services is working with the owner to address issues...
BACK I see groups soliciting material on the Monon Trail. Is this permitted by city ordinance? The City of Carmel regulates this kind of activity through its Code Enforcement Office, which is part of the Community Services Department. Typically when this activity is...
BACK What’s the update on the Monon Greenway south of Walnut Street to City Center Drive? The Carmel Redevelopment Commission is currently working with the city and private developers on the future of the Monon Square property on their east side of the Monon...
BACK What can Carmel do to solve the bee problem around public trash cans? The Carmel Street Department has been working on this issue for a few years now. Here are some updated details on what they have tried. Typically at this time of year, due to changes in...