What do I need to do to get street lights in my neighborhood?
While the City of Carmel does not pay for residential street lighting, your Homeowner’s Associations (HOA) does have options.
The HOA can work with Duke Energy. They can Duke’s service request line at 1-800-521-2232 to rent street lights. If the streetlights are rented from Duke Energy, the City would require a copy of the agreement between Duke Energy and the HOA for its records and Duke Energy would need to obtain a right-of-way permit prior to beginning installation.
While the City of Carmel does not pay for residential street lighting, your Homeowner’s Associations (HOA) does have options.
The HOA can also work with any lighting contractor to purchase streetlights (power would still be provided by Duke Energy). If the HOA purchases the streetlights, the HOA would need to apply for a Consent to Encroach Agreement, and the contractor would need to obtain a right-of-way permit [PDF] prior to beginning installation.
Another option is to use the “Barrett Law” path to street lights. The Barrett Law program provides a method of time payments for affected property owner for improvements such as new streets, curbs, sidewalks, alleys and sewers. Indiana Code I.C. 36-9-37-8.5 authorizes and determines the method for municipalities to levy assessment for certain improvements against benefited properties.
Authored by Laura Campbell, Sue Finkam, Kevin Rider, Jeff Worrell, Miles Nelson, Anthony Green and Adam Aasen.