BACK How should pedestrians and cyclists safely use the Monon Greenway at intersections? The video below, produced by the Carmel Police Department, will quickly answer this question. Authored by Laura Campbell, Sue Finkam, Kevin Rider, Jeff Worrell, Tim Hannon, Bruce...
BACK Why is the City working to change current zoning laws to allow for Accessory Dwellings (aka “granny flats)? The need to offer a variety of housing options has long been a topic of discussion in city planning. By all measures, Carmel has been experiencing rapid...
BACK It seems like this summer that Carmel’s city water hasn’t been as soft as usual. Has something changed? Nothing has changed, but you did pick up on a “summer vs. winter” issue that impacts the way we soften our water. Here’s the background. Softening...
BACK I saw the Council President order a member of the public to leave a public Council meeting. Was that legal? The City Council has observed certain rules of conduct designed to keep meetings orderly and respectful for all. At times, we understand passions can get...