What is the work happening on Range Line Road between Carmel Drive and 116th Street?
This is the latest section of Range Line Road to undergo a transformation into a boulevard style roadway that is good for motorists as well as pedestrians and bicyclists. The roadway will be landscaped differently with better crosswalks, a roundabout is being built at Range Line Road and Medical Drive and the final piece of the project will see a new roundabout at Range Line Road and 116th Street.
This area has seen and will continue to see growth in residential living.
This area has seen and will continue to see growth in residential living, as you can tell by the large Kite development under construction at the southwest corner of 116th and Range Line. This area will be much more of a pedestrian focused area in the future, much like the other sections of Range Line Road to the north.
A few key things about this project: There will be no lane reductions, like there were to the north of Carmel Drive and 126th Street; and the new roundabout at 116th Street will be built in two phases – one half at a time – in order to maintain east-west traffic during the project. Going north and south will still be an issue, but the City’s desire was to keep traffic flowing east and west throughout the 80 day project.
Here is a map and further details of the project.
Authored by Laura Campbell, Sue Finkam, Kevin Rider, Jeff Worrell, Bruce Kimball, Miles Nelson, Anthony Green and Adam Aasen.