What is all the work happening along the Monon Greenway, south of Gradle Drive?
Over the past year the City of Carmel has replaced the drainage structure under Gradle Drive at the Monon crossing. This structure had become silted-in over time and had lost drainage capacity. We then enclosed the drainage swale that runs from Gradle Drive north to just south of City Center. This allows for additional pedestrian infrastructure to be placed adjacent to the Monon and the new townhomes getting installed.
This allows for additional pedestrian infrastructure to be placed adjacent to the Monon and the new townhomes getting installed.
South of Gradle Drive, the swale was dredged by removing old, accumulated material from the bottom of the ditch. During that time some invasive plant material was cleaned from the area surrounding the ditch along with several areas that were utilized to access the ditch. We took care to preserve the existing tree canopy along the Monon. This work now allows more water to flow into the new Regional Detention Basin (Japanese Garden Extension).
South of Carmel Drive, we have been working with the Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office to dredge and lower the flow line of the Monon ditch south to 116th Street. As part of the project the vegetation was removed on the east side of the swale with care to keep the tree canopy between the Monon and the drainage swale. Currently it appears that the swale is approximately 50 percent completed with the dredging. This will then allow for the elevation of the new pond to be lowered by approximately 10” which should also lower the water level in the Monon swale south of Gradle.
The work along the Monon Greenway in this area between Carmel Drive and Gradle Drive is substantially complete.
Here is more on that project: https://www.carmel.in.gov/Home/Components/News/News/6416/25
Landscaping work at this new development is set to begin during the month of March. This will also include improvements to the existing Japanese Garden.
Authored by Laura Campbell, Sue Finkam, Kevin Rider, Jeff Worrell, Bruce Kimball, Miles Nelson, Anthony Green and Adam Aasen.