There are a lot of trees being cleared behind Rosemeade Commons, north of 116th. What is going on?

According to our City Engineer, there is a Hamilton County “legal drain” that runs along the Monon Greenway in that area. The City has been working with the County Surveyor’s office to provide some maintenance dredging along this drain. This legal drain absorbs a very large watershed and had not been maintained properly for several decades.

This legal drain absorbs a very large watershed and had not been maintained properly for several decades.


Last year, the contractor cleared the vegetation along the eastern border while maintaining the vegetation between the ditch and the Monon, while completing about half of the dredging before adverse weather affected them. As the weather gets better and things dry out they are set to complete the dredging.

In addition, the Carmel Clay Parks Department is replacing a bridge on the Monon this summer/fall so there may also be some tree clearing that is taking place for that project.

Authored by Laura Campbell, Sue Finkam, Kevin Rider, Jeff Worrell, Bruce Kimball, Miles Nelson, Anthony Green and Adam Aasen.