I saw a lot of mailboxes down after the recent snow plowing. What happens if my mailbox gets plowed under?
We noticed as well and it turns out that when we have a heavy and wet snow, there is a much better chance that a large block of snow/ice could damage mail boxes along the side of the street during the plowing process. This most recent snow (January 31) was one of those combinations and one of the heaviest we have had in several years, according to our Carmel Street Department.
The good news is the Street Department is poised and ready to repair and then replace any mailbox that is damaged or destroyed due to snow plowing. All you have to do is contact them with your address and they will send a crew as quickly as possible.
You can call the Street Department at 317-733-2001. Or, you can download the MyCarmel App and report it electronically – with an option to submit a photo.
The same procedure is in place if you notice any damage to your grass or sod. Every effort will be made for quick repair and cleanup, followed by a full repair in the spring, when weather allows.
uthored by Laura Campbell, Kevin Rider, Jeff Worrell, Tim Hannon, Sue Finkam, Miles Nelson, Anthony Green and Adam Aasen.