Where can I get the most updated financial information on the City of Carmel’s debt?
Our City Controller Ann Bingman has worked hard to upload all of the City’s debt information into the EMMA system, an online database that is easy to navigate and search for all of the debt information and disclosures on both new and old city debt.
The EMMA website is funded and operated by the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB), the self-regulatory organization charged by Congress with promoting a fair and efficient municipal securities market. EMMA is designated by the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission as the official source for municipal securities data and disclosure documents.
The website provides free public access to objective municipal market information and interactive tools for investors, municipal entities and others. EMMA supports municipal market transparency but is not a platform for buying or selling bonds.
Here is a link to the website. We encourage all of our residents to use this resource if they have specific questions.
The SEC designated the EMMA website as the official repository for municipal securities disclosures in 2009. EMMA houses hundreds of thousands of municipal disclosure documents that provide information for investors about municipal securities. These include offering documents, called official statements, for most new offerings of municipal bonds, notes, 529 savings plans, ABLE programs and other municipal securities issued since 1990.
EMMA also provides access to advance refunding documents, which detail arrangements made when new bonds are issued to establish escrows to pay off existing bonds (usually to refinance the old debt at a lower interest rate). Also available are continuing disclosure documents that describe material information throughout the life of a bond and must be provided by municipal bond issuers. Additional disclosures that are voluntarily provided by issuers may be available for some bonds.
Authored by Laura Campbell, Sue Finkam, Kevin Rider, Jeff Worrell, Sue Finkam, Bruce Kimball, Miles Nelson, Anthony Green and Adam Aasen.