BACK I noticed signs on Main Street that prohibit bicycles on Main Street in the Arts & Design District. Why the change? There was a time when riding your bike on the sidewalks along Main Street was just fine. But as the popularity of Carmel’s Arts & Design...
BACK Is the city planning to connect Clay Terrace Blvd. to Rohrer Road? Is that going to happen? Yes, there are long-term plans to make that connection across the property that has become a new power station for Duke Energy, adjacent to U.S. 31 (which is elevated at...
BACK I read that the city is wanting to place “bleeding control” kits all over town. What is behind that? Thanks to an initiative led by the Carmel Fire Department, the City of Carmel will become the first city in America to roll out a “Bleeding Control” kit program....
BACK I keep hearing about a new city comprehensive plan. What is that all about and what do I need to know? The City of Carmel’s Department of Community Services – the department that handles land use and zoning issues on a regular basis – has been working on a new...