BACK Why is the city putting dedicated bike lanes on its streets when we already have the Monon Trail? The Monon Trail has played a key role in the redevelopment of our City’s central core, helping to spur a certain vibrancy and economic boost in areas such City...
BACK Why is the speed limit on some parts of 116th Street 35 MPH, while narrower parts are 40 MPH? The speed limit on 116th Street from Meridian to Range Line is currently 35 MPH. However, the speed limit from Meridian to Towne is 40 MPH. There are many factors that...
BACK Do “speed humps” have to be so high? Can they be lowered? In order to lower the raised pedestrian crossings, you would need to completely remove them or modify the ramp leading up to the crosswalk elevation, thus extending the transition length. The heights are...